Never underestimate the power of packaging.

During the holiday season a couple of years ago, Coca-Cola found out just how iconic its packaging really is when consumers complained about being confused by regular variety Coke holiday packaging. In an effort to support the World Wildlife Fund to celebrate polar bears, the company introduced new white cans for its regular Coke variety for the holidays. The problem? To consumers this holiday promotional packaging design looked very much like Diet Coke’s silver packaging and many consumers bought the wrong product. Other consumers were perplexed because they couldn’t find the Regular Coke red cans.

Consumers really do use packaging design as an in-store reference in grabbing the products they want to buy. Comments from Coke loyalists flew fast and furious after the launch of that special holiday packaging design, which should give food and beverage marketers pause. Packaging really is one of the most potent tools for branding and marketing food and beverage products.

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