Are you frustrating consumers with your packaging?

In a recent study by global research firm Ipsos Innoquest, consumers indicated that they place a high value on food and beverage packaging that preserves product freshness and is reusable. Over 60% of respondents said they would pay premium prices for products in packaging that “keeps food fresh longer”. Another 50% placed a high value on packaging that is “easy to reuse”.

Other recent packaging studies reinforce consumer frustration with food packaging. Almost half of consumers in one such study were “frustrated or very frustrated” with food packaging. Ease of opening packaging was the single biggest complaint. The packaging formats mentioned most often by frustrated consumers included clamshells, paperboard boxes, bags/packets, trays with lids, shrink wrapped, plastic bottles and septic packs/cartons. Another recurring theme voiced by consumers was the need to use some type of tool, knife or scissors, to open packages that already had “easy to open” copy on the package. Ease of opening was an issue for all age segments in this study and not confined to older consumers.

User convenience, resealable packaging, and retaining food product freshness are the three most important issues for consumers in evaluating product packaging and purchase decisions. Consumers expressed a great deal of frustration, if not downright hostility, toward brands whose packaging resulted in product waste. Retaining freshness and being able to “use all of the product in the package” were repeatedly mentioned by survey respondents.

Clearly, food packaging functionality is a significant factor for consumers when considering product purchases. One frustrating packaging experience can “turn off” consumers no matter how good the product may be. Considering the investment food and beverage marketers make in brand and packaging development, it is critical that packaging configuration, materials, and functionality be included in the design process. Packaging provides food marketers with a great opportunity to communicate with consumers and demonstrate their commitment to consumer satisfaction.

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